Cryptids, Ghost Hunting, Mythology, Folklore, Supernatural Sightings, Horror, Science Fiction, and Gaming

Inside the Studio: Unveiling my Star Wars Collection and Creative Space

This photo is part of a shelf in the studio. Darth Revan is one of my favorite Star Wars characters. I received his helmet/mask as a gift, and I 3D printed his lightsaber hilt (still need to paint it). I’ll see about linking the person who designed the 3D model soon. Also, I’ve slowly started to collect kyber crystals for the lightsabers because they’re really cool. You can put them in a holocron (not pictured) and you’ll hear words of wisdom from various Jedi or Sith that are stored on the crystals. Also pictured is Bastilla Shan and T3-M4 who are also a couple favorites of mine. Bastilla is Revan’s love interest in Knights of the Old Republic, and T3 is their trusty astromech droid.

Above the Revan shelf is one of my favorite scenes in Star Wars. Hallway scenes have been a thing over the last few years and not just in Star Wars. If you mention Daredevil to someone that knows of the Streaming Series- Daredevil, they’ll likely get excited and tell you all about the hallway scene in that show. This scene, however, is from Star Wars: Rogue One. It takes place near the end of the film, and oh my, it is intense and bad ass! So here’s my first photo for this new addition to the site. More will come as I finish remodeling the studio.

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